Valai Tablets




  • Tribulus terrestris
  • Hygrophila auriculata
  • Boerhauia diffusa
  • Phyllanthus niruri
  • Enicostemma litorale
  • Musa acuminate
  • Arthosiphon stomineus
  • Cuminum cymiaune
  • Nigella stiva
  • Trachyspermum ammi


  • Valai tablets work as an herbal supplementary for renal diseases.
  • It enhances the naturals renal function.
  • Valai tablet work excellently when given as an herbal supplimentry for renal failure also.
  • Valai tablets helps to reduce the high creatinine level in blood, when valai tablets are taken as an herbal suppilimentry.
  • Valai tablet helps to reduce the blood pressure , when blood pressure raise due to high creatinine level in blood
  • Valai tablet strengthen the heart muscles and its functions when taken as an herbal supplimentry .
  • When valai tablets are given as supplimentry herbal tablets for kidney stone . it gives good result .
  • Physician advice is cumplusory before taking valli tablets if under any medication .
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose , maintain sufficient fluid intake while taking this product if you have a know medical condition and have question about the advisability of taking this product consult your physician prior to use .
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration . this product is not intended to diagnose , treat cure or prevent any disease .
  • Dose: I tablet thrice a day ( morning 1 tablet- afternoon 1 tablet- night 1tablet) either before food or after food. Based on the chronicity & intensity of disease, patients can take 2 tablets thrice day. ½ (half) tablet is enough for patients below 12 years
  • Crush the tablet into powder into powder form then mix it with WATER or HONEY which gives good result


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